
Competencies for external Agile Coaches

Based on competencies frameworks based by ICF and others, which competencies are important and required for Agile Coaches?

Angebotsentwicklung mit agilen Methoden

Wie kann man Angebote für Training, Coaching oder Beratung iterativ und hypothesenbasiert entwickeln? Einen Überblick über Vorgehen, Mindset und hilfreiche Modelle.

Lead time matters - how we did Scrum with Kanban in an Explore team

A case study in pragmatic agilism

Enter the system - Getting started in a new company or client

Your first 30 days in a company - as new team member or external coach.

Systemische Haltung für Agile Coaches

Systemtheorie und Konstruktivismus als Basis für die Haltung für Agile Coaches?

Product People coaching Product People

Open Space session on Product Coaching

Product Coaching

Product Coaching - what it is and what it could do.

Get unstuck with Troika Consulting

Support and consult each other within your company.

Do the right things - Produktmanagement in der Softwareentwicklung

Acht Dinge, die ich in 10+ Jahren Produktentwicklung in schnell wachsenden Startups gelernt habe.

More focus in your development team with WIP limits

How a limited work in progress will enforce the focus (and cycle time).